‘H.O.T.’ Fun in the Summertime!
When I think of summer time, I immediately imagine splashing in cool water; eating ripe, juicy ,fresh fruit; walking around the lake holding hands; lying on the beach; licking cold, sweet, yummy ice cream. Some people prefer cold weather, but I truly think that most people enjoy the warm summer sun. It’s easier to pull out something light and easy to wear. It’s easy to just walk outside without a coat or hat or gloves. It’s easy to get out and do something without a lot of planning or worry.
We want to encourage couples to have H.O.T. fun summer this year and don’t let the opportunities pass you by. There’s so much to see and do so just pick something and go! Here are a few simple things that we would like to share with you that you can try out.
H. Hang out downtown, or at your local harbor, lake, pond, shore, beach. Hold hands or wrap your arm around each other’s waist. Hang out at a park and have a picnic or play basketball, tennis, kick a soccer ball around. Go horseback riding, kayaking, visit an amusement park or just window shop at ourdoor shopping. Water parks are the best or go to the local pool or beach.
O. Open up your imagination and let it just run wild. Lie on a blanket on the ground and star gaze or pick out shapes in the clouds. Look for special flowers, leaves, rocks or seashells as you’re out and about. Own your time and spend it exploring and looking for other curious or different things to do. Explore a hiking/walking trail. Set up an easel outside and draw a picture of what you see of just whatever you feel like. Have an outdoor movie night with just you and your sweetheart or invite some other couples. You could even do outdoor game night. Enjoy all the delicious summer fruits such as plums, peaches, nectarines, strawberries or whatever is in season. Don’t forget the summer veggies and ice cream too.
T. Take time to enjoy your surroundings and the people in your life. This is travel season, but you don’t have to go far to have fun. Visit your neighbors or invite them to visit you and sit outside on the porch or in the yard and spend time getting to know one another. Suggest a block party or cookout for neighbors or friends. Have a backyard cookout. Visit old friends and family that you haven’t been able to travel to their homes due to all the restrictions in the past year. Take a mini vacation or a local staycation. If you have never tried a traditional Bed and Breakfast (B&B, not air B&B), it’s a must.
The key is to take advantage of all that life has to offer you while doing it with the one you love. Get outside and enjoy the sunshine. It’s a bonus too that the sun gives you good ole natural vitamin D. It is so easy to have a date day or date night with your sweetheart during this time of year. Don’t let the opportunities pass you by. Try something different each week or often as you can. As my husband always says.... "you don't date to marry, you marry to date"! :)
Share with us what you found while out enjoy H.O.T. SUMMER FUN!
Enjoy some additional fun at our annual CouplesFest Expo and Festival. We have a Vendor Expo and a Speaker Expo as well as a festival full of interactive activities, games, DJ, dancing, lip sync contest, entertainment, prizes, givewaways and more! Check it out and grab your tickets. This event will sell out.
We can't wait to see you there!
James and Cynthia
p.s. Download our free Kiss Checklist and see how many new ways you can kiss your bae!
