We Have a Lot Going On!

It's been a while since you've heard from us on this medium. If you've been following us on social media, you know that we have not been sitting around twiddling our thumbs but we have been super busy! We have been travelling celebrating our anniversary and our family reunions. We had two speaking engagements on back to back Saturdays and we've been preparing for our own 3 big events. We want to keep you in the know! Therefore, we are sharing with you all of our upcoming events and activities. Maybe, just maybe, you will find something that interests you and you will join in the fun or the work! This is for you!

This summit is a game changer for our relationships, our communities, our businesses! Leaders in the marriage and relationship entity must unite and take a stand.

We launched our 2nd book and our new course based on the journey God led us on before we got married. We believe that this is the program that will change the trajectory of marriages now and in the future. This is for the couple who is serious about doing marriage God's way!

All of us have a story but can yours change a life! Here's your opportunity to be a contributing author for a book that is sure to be a #1 Best Seller!

Ok. Most of you know that we LOVE to have fun! Be a contestant and have fun with us!! This Sunday at 8pm! We're going to have a blast with our first couples and first show!!!!
So there you have it! I told you, WE HAVE A LOT GOING ON! LOL! And trust us, there's more! We want you to be a part of what we're doing because we know that you help make the difference in other's lives too. Just don't keep it to yourself! :) Life can be all that we want it to be. While we're making it happen for ourselves, we want to make it happen for others. Let us know what we can do to help you! Go to our private, exclusive Facebook group and let us know. www.marriagebuilt2lastmovement.com.
James and Cynthia