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Seal It With A K.I.S.S.S. and Fall In Love, Again

The first day of ‘Fall’ has come and gone. It seems like when Fall begins, we start preparing for Winter. We pull out our fall and winter jackets, closed toe shoes, socks and long pants and tops. Some of us start preparing our yard and our flowers and plants for the winter. Some of us look forward to winter and some of us (like me) dread the upcoming winter weather. Many people get what ‘they’ call ‘the winter blues’. That doesn’t happen to me because I prepare myself and my mind for what’s to come even though winter is not one of my favorite seasons. One thing that I have found is that if you don’t prepare for something, you can best believe you may get something out of it that you didn’t expect. So, while we are talking about preparing for winter and fall, which has just begun. Let’s talk a look at preparing to ‘fall in love, again’.

Sealed With a K.I.S.S.S.

Most people who are in a relationship or are married, love their mate. But the question today is, how many of them are ‘in love’ with their mate? Does it even matter? Is it love that keeps a marriage going? Is it commitment as some say? What is it?

At Marriage Built 2 Last, the first thing that we know is that your marriage must be built on a strong foundation. What is that foundation? It’s the word of God. But it’s not just reading the word. It starts with having a relationship with Him and then it builds on applying His word. It also means that it takes more than just reading His word, but by adding action to it. What are some of the actions that a couple can take. It takes building His word through other interactive things such as;

· Attending marriage workshops at church or in the community

· Attending marriage getaways or conferences

· Attending online webinars or watching online videos

· Reading marriage material through books or online

· Getting coaching or counseling

· Never stop dating!

At MB2L, we believe that you should be a consummate student and studier of your marriage and of your spouse. You should always be ‘Living Inside the We’. Meaning, no longer should you think, ‘what do I have to do to make this marriage work’, but ‘what do WE have to do to have a great marriage’. Don’t become complacent. Don’t allow the things of the world to cause your marriage to become routine and mundane. Do something to keep it hot and fresh. Nothing you really want in life, just ‘happens’. You have to ‘do’ something.


where we will help you to ‘fall in love again’. You won’t believe the benefits that kissing have. We will share 5 Ways that Kisssing Benefits you; From keeping young, to having great health benefits, to falling in love again.

Join the challenge at and let's get to kissin'!!!!

Watch yourselves falling in love, over and over and over again!

Sealed with a Kiss,

James and Cynthia Greene

Marriage Built 2 Last


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