Amazing Happy New Year!
It’s almost!!! The New Year begins next week. Soon 2019 will be in your face!
We were so excited and blessed to have our family comes up from North Carolina and from here in Maryland to spread some family love and holiday cheer. We had so much fun playing the White Elephant game and hosting dinner at our house this year. Our signature tradition is playing board games (my current favorite is ENCORE), wearing red sweaters and hosting a full hot chocolate and hot tea bar. It’s a big hit with all kinds of chocolate and tea varieties with various toppings and additions to choose from. We love family gatherings!
Our 2018 in review
Are YOU ready for the New Year?
We are starting the New Year with you in mind but first let’s take a look at 2018 in review. We did a little research into what Marriage Built 2 Last accomplished in 2018, so let’s take a look.
Spoke on over 25 live platforms to include marriage retreats, business conferences, churches, workshops and other events
Hosted our own Marriage Built 2 Last radio show, Pillow Talk Lounge at WBGR Radio station
Hosted over 8 Marriage Built 2 Last live events (workshops, conferences, teleconferences)
Held 40 Day Journey to the #MarriageOfYourDreams book tours
Spoke on numerous radio shows, online platforms, teleconferences and podcast shows
Host weekly Facebook Live show, Breakfast with the Greene’s every Saturday
Our 2019 Forecast
We are excited about what we are bringing you in 2019. You see you are always on our mind and we are always thinking of what we can do to not just help those who need to get their marriage back on track, but be there for those who have great marriages and want to keep it that way. So here’s what we have coming:
Our ‘We Do’ National campaign for couples who are #InLoveandLovingIt
Our new We Are In Love Couples Academy with over 6 individual ‘clubs’ included
Our 40 Day Journey to the #MarriageOfYourDreams online program which begins again, January 1, 2019. It’s not too late to join.
Our Power Couples Vision and Goals Workshop party in January. We have 3 days that you can choose from to join us.
Valentine’s Day Brunch, February 10th at Westin, National Harbor, Maryland
Black Marriages Matter Conference (our free annual ‘Give Back to the Community’ conference). Save the date for March 23, 2019
Bi-weekly Global Marriage Leadership Mastermind Group
CouplesFest 2019, our 4th annual signature live event. Save the date June 14-15, 2019.
Marriage Built 2 Last Celebration of 5 years in business will be held during CF19!
We are so excited for all that God has done for us, is doing for us and will do for us and our company. We have you and your needs in mind and we want you to know that we are going places and we want you on for the ride!
To find out more you can go to our website or join our private Facebook group, We will always post updates on all of our events in both places, as well as, on our business Facebook page, Other private groups are formed for each event that we host because we want you to get us live and up close and personal, for each event that we hold.
Want a free tool to grow your relationship during this season and forever, text love to 443-201-7723.
Or watch our free webinar, 7 Secrets to a Happy Marriage,
We love you! We pray God’s blessings over you! And we would like to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!!!
Relationally with love,
James and Cynthia Greene