Each month our goal is to feature an interview or story about a couple, either about how they met, how they proposed or some other exciting and interesting story about them.
November Couple of the Month: Jason and Cassandra Creek

How many years have you been married?
-5, September 19, 2009
How many children do you have?
-2, Camryn and Jordan
Where are each of you from?
-Jason, Capital Heights, MD
-Cassie, Riverdale, MD
What would you say in one word to describe your marriage?
-Jason, Blessed
-Cassie, Real
What has been the cornerstone of your marriage, i.e, what keeps it strong?
-Jason-Communication with each other about essential things and what we have to do to move forward in life. We complement one another.
-Cassie-Honesty, I think that when you hold back and you’re not honest, it creates problems. Be honest about your feelings.
What is the most fun thing that you do together as a couple?
-We still date. We take random Staycations and stay at
Boutique hotels in the city and leave the kids with their grandparents.
What would you say is the biggest accomplishment you have achieved as a couple?
-Our children, buying a house, purchasing reliable vehicles and making our house a home.
Share with us some of the things that you two have in common as a couple.
--We are polar opposites. We do have fashion in common. We would have to say that our work ethics are the same.
Share with us some of your differences and how you make them work.
--Cassie is more outspoken but she encourages me to talk and share my feelings. Jason is quiet but he lets me know that some things don’t always require a reaction.
What would you like to share with other couples?
--Communicate with each by letting your spouse know what you’re doing and don’t be sneaky about things. Don’t rush. Take it slow and make smarter decisions. Enjoy the experiences of life and don’t try to have everything at once. The race isn’t for the swift.
What keeps your marriage fresh?
--You have to have a healthy sex life. Doing things like our date night.
Where did you two meet?
--In the lunch room in high school.
Final comments: In general, in comparing our marriage to our parents, marriages aren’t built like they used to be. People are getting married for the wrong reasons. Get to know your spouse before and after marriage. Who I married 5 years ago is not who we are today. We evolve as individuals and as a couple. Understand that people are going to change because you’re still growing as an individual and in your marriage. Understand that there are going to be peaks and valleys in a marriage.